Blogg 4: Time travel
Hi! How are you.
Today, we have an unusual topic but I'm shure you have already hear about it many times, specialy in movies.
I am refearing to time travel!
In all the movies we see people travelling in time and living adventures, because it is an idea that has been facinating for humans since a long time ago.
To have the possibility to know the future or to see the past it would be awesome!
Anyways, movies already showed me the dangers of time travel, and the riscs of alterate the natural order of the events.
But, leaving that behind, I think that I would like to see the past more than the future and see all the things that are not clear in history, like, what haoppened to the city of Atlantys or see the real look of dinosaurs.
Refearing to the future, I I think it would be weird to see. Imagine if I go to the future and I discover the apocalipse! It would be so scary.
There are people saying that time travler is already possible, and that there are time travelers among us. So, maybe it isn't kust a topic for movies and cience fiction.
I don't beleabe it is true, but hoe knows, maybe it is a fact and we don't know it.
So, that is all for today.