Blog 2
Hello every one. I hope you enjoyed my last blog. In this second one I will talk to you a little more about myself, but this time, related to my career and why I decided to study it.
Well, as I told you before, I study theatrical design in the Universidad de Chile and I'm in my fourth year. Before I tell you why I decided to study this career, I will give you some context.
When I was leaving school, I wanted to study to be an actor, but after I failded in my auditions, I started to study journalism. I learned a lot of things in that time, but after two years I was done with that; I wasn't happy. Then I heard about theatrical design and a whole new posibilityes started to apear in my head, becouse the career reunited all the things that I love: theater, drawing, building, and a lot of thing that allow my creativity to grow, and also, a variety of labor field to work with.
So now, after a lot of dedication, I have noticed my progress and decided that I take the right decition when I decided to study teatrical design.